Submit A Deal

Hello everyone! Feel free to submit your deal for FREE but posts are subject for approval.


  1. Register with your email address. (We will never share nor send you an email unless you’ve subscribed on our newsletter. This is only needed to submit a deal.)
  2. Please submit deals from Amazon only. Other links are not accepted at the moment. Any other links will be rejected.
  3. Must be 50% off or higher with coupon, code or both. MULTI-USE code only. Codes must be active for 5 days or longer.
  4. No repeated deals. If it’s the same product but has NEW CODE/COUPON, just fill out this FORM.

*** For single use code, please contact the ADMIN.

Please don’t just change the original price in order to make it seem as if the deal is better than it really is. Free N Deals has the right to pick which product to show in our site. Most deals will be approved as long as it complies with our requirement. All links will be modified and affiliated to Free N Deals. It usually takes within 24-72 hours to get an approval if your deal was chosen. If your submission was rejected or ineligible, then we have other options for you. Please message the ADMIN.

The terms and requirements are subject to change without notice. We also have the right to stop the deals submission at any time. Thank you!

All approved deals will show up on our Community Share page.

Want to be on the first page of our website and get posted in our social media accounts? Please message the ADMIN.You need to first.

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